AccueilNoticiasiPhysio® Spring: ¡su Perfil Designer cuesta ahora 49 euros en lugar de 99!

iPhysio® Spring: ¡su Perfil Designer cuesta ahora 49 euros en lugar de 99!


To mark the IPHYSIO® SPRING, LYRA ETK announces the new price of its iPhysio® Profile Designer: €49 incl. VAT, effective immediately. This universal 3-in-1 device, which revolutionizes the implant protocol, replaces your round healing abutments with anatomical abutments that can also be used as an impression part (physical or digital) and as a support for the provisional prosthesis, whatever your implant brand*.

Triple savings! Visit our e-shop now to find the iPhysio® set that's right for your implant.

*compatible with most implant systems

This offer is only valid in France.

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