HomeTutorials and best practices in the practice

Tutorials and best practices in the practice

3 tools to help you get started with iPhysio® easily and without error:
Clinical videos and a complete e-learning course to learn everything there is to know about iPhysio (advanced use).
The iPhysio® Code, a clinical illustration of best practices and pitfalls to avoid.
 Tutorials on essential steps.

iPhysio® selection

Choice of anatomical shapes

Using the iPhysio® abutment kit

Positioning the iPhysio®

iPhysio® orientation

Two adjacent iPhysio® must be separate


For the CT scan to be able to identify them individually, the iPhysio® must be spaced apart.

If they are in contact, the CT scan confuses them into a single part that cannot be recognized when matching them with the library. This also creates uncertainty as to their correct fit in the implant connectivity.

Creating an anatomical prosthetic cradle

iphysio créer berceau prothétique anatomique ouiiphysio prothétique anatomique non

Vertical positioning of the Profile Designer
iPhysio® conditions the prosthetic cradle

For optimum aesthetic results, the iPhysio® Profile Designer should be slightly recessed to allow sufficient space for the subcritical contour of the gingival space.

Preserving gingival papillae

préserver papille gingivale iphysio non

Preserving gingival papillae thanks to the
correct orientation of the iPhysio® Profile Designer

The iPhysio® Profile Designer has two different surfaces, one vestibular, the other lingual/palatal. Correct positioning of the iPhysio® Profile Designer 
means an ideal match with the natural anatomy of the teeth.

Successful impressions

réussir empreinte iphysio ouiempreinte iphysio non

Position at least 1.5 mm above soft tissue

To ensure perfect recognition of the iPhysio® Profile Designer by the intra-oral CT scan, it must not be covered by tissue during impression taking.

Secure prosthetic adaptation and occlusion

adaptation prothétique occlusion iphysio

A smooth surface is the guarantee of a correctly engaged iPhysio® Designer Profile

To ensure a perfect match between the Profile Designer iPhysio® prosthetic cradle and the final restoration, we strongly recommend that you systematically tighten the screw before taking an impression, and check insertion using a retro alveolar X-ray.

iPhysio® temporary

iPhysio® provisional tutorial

Preserving temporary prosthesis resin

bonne pratique iphysio préserver résine prothèse provisoirerésine provisoire iphysio

To preserve the resin of your temporary prosthesis during removal for adjustments, keep the temporary abutment in its entirety.

For optimum aesthetic results, the iPhysio® Profile Designer should be slightly recessed to allow sufficient space for the subcritical contour of the gingival space.

Impression on iPhysio®

empreinte silicone iphysio

I make my silicone impression in the practice directly on the iPhysio® Profile Designer

I send my silicone impression to the laboratory.

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picto dentiste scanner

I take optical impression in the practice directly on the iPhysio® Profile Designer

I send my impression file to the laboratory.

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Prosthesis avoid manipulation of the supra-implant parts during adjustment

piece supra implantaire iphysioiphysio dentiste

A used and sterilized iphysio designer profile is ideal
for finalizing the prosthesis

Once the provisional prosthesis has been formed, it can be finalised
outside the patient’s mouth on another iPhysio® Profile Designer
that you have sterilised beforehand. This has 2 advantages: you preserve the soft tissue and you do not wear out the abutment clip unnecessarily.

Use the screw to remove
the iphysio®

enlever iphysio bonne pratiqueenlever iphysio mauvaise pratique

The screw is a good gripper

The iPhysio® has a captive screw. Pull out this screw slightly and
use it as a gripper to make it easier to remove the iPhysio®. Thus, you preserve the marginal tissues.

Maintain the gingival cradle
in the final restoration


Esthetibase titanium interfaces have the same
emergence profi le as the iPhysio®

In order to preserve the soft tissue and avoid tissue compression,
the emergence profile created during the healing of the soft tissue is
retained in the final restoration.

Maintain the properties
of the zirconia coating

revetement zircone bonne pratiquerevetement zircone mauvaise pratique

The zirconia coating is valuable

Single use allows the full benefit of the iphysio zirconia coating, which is
optimal for the soft tissue interface.
Studies show that the surface, despite its zirconia coating, deteriorates
during the cleaning and sterilisation protocol.
Guide to iPhysio® compatibility

Make a hd photo to transmit the right information

information iphysioiphysio information mauvaise pratique

HD photo, an indispensable complement to your scan

The transmission of the correct dimensional information from
iPhysio® is essential. An HD photo makes it possible to confirm
the colour of the screw and thus avoid any problem of malocclusion
in the fi nal prosthesis. In this case, the screw is yellow.

Communicate well with your laboratory

iphysio bonne communication laboratoireiphysio communication laboratoire

A simple comment on the order form ensures that
the prosthesis is correctly produced

The correct dimensions of the iPhysio® must be provided. In
the ”Comments“ box, indicate the type of iPhysio® and the exact
reference to avoid any confusion.
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